Earl Leofwine

c.1035 - October 14, 1066

Earl Leofwine

From the Bayeux Tapestry
The fifth son of Earl Godwin and joined his older brother, Harold, in exile in Ireland when he was about 16 years old. They were given sanctuary by the King of Leinster, Diarmid mac Mael na mBo (reigned 1042-1072). The brothers returned to England in 1052 and Leofwine was eventually made Earl of Kent, Essex, Middlesex, Hertford, and Surrey by King Edward. The historical Leofwine was killed on October 14, 1066 in the Battle of Hastings. His death is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, along with that of his older brother, Gyrth, Earl of East Anglia.

In After Hastings, Leofwine survived the battle to become a trusted advisor to his brother, King Harold. Throughout the novel, Leofwine take a protective role towards his brother, having learned that family and kinship ties will not only allow him to maintain power, but also will protect him from the vicissitudes of politics. He grew up seeing how his father, no matter how powerful an earl, was reliant on the good graces of King Edward and Leofwine has vowed to himself that remaining in his brother's good graces was important. Furthermore, being the only two of Godwin's sons alive and in England has forged a strong bond between the brothers, who rely on each other in a way they never did prior to the Battle of Hastings.

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